Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skin Care - Body - Glycolic Acid Peel

I will be giving myself Glycolic Acid chemical peels on my stomach to help fade and improve the look and texture of my surgery scars. Glycolic Acid helps to stimulate new growth of skin and collagen by decreasing the bond that holds dead skin cells on the surface. I currently use a 10% Glycolic Acid serum from Peter Thomas Roth on my face at night and it has dramatically improved the texture of my skin as well the appearance of my acne scars. This process will take many peels at no more then one peel a week.

Note: You may also use this body peel on stretch marks to help the texture and appearance.

Step One: In a bowl mix Baking Soda and water for your neutralizer. Set aside.


Step Two: Cleanse area with Cetaphil face wash and pat dry. Note: Using your regular face wash products may result in less effective results.

($4.00 - $8.00)

Step Three: Pour Glycolic Acid into a shallow dish; you won't need much. With a fan brush gently and evenly apply the Glycolic Acid. I'm using 30% Glycolic Acid, but if you're doing this peel on your face you need to start with a lower percentage. You may increase your percentage as you become familiar with how your skin reacts.

($2.00 - $25.00)


Step Four: Wait one to three minutes. You will feel tingling. If it starts to burn, immediately neutralize. Better safe then sorry. :)

Step Five: With a cotton ball dip into your Baking Soda and water mix and run over skin. This will neutralize and stop the acid from further working.

Step Six: Wash area off with Cetaphil cleanser and pat dry.

Step Seven: Put moisturizer on your skin. I will be using 100% Shea Butter from Bath and Body Works.


Step Eight: Add moisturizer daily and allow your skin to heal before doing another peel. Remember, wait at least a week between peels.

WARNING!!: Do not put Glycolic Acid products on skin that has just been shaved. Wait at least a week to get hair waxed after using a Glycolic Acid product. Do not apply any products containing alpha hydroxy acids for 24 hours after applying the Exfoliate (Glycolic Acid).

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