Saturday, July 2, 2011


* I'm blogging about which diet works best for me due to a couple of requests. Hope you like! *

I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, which means I have an underactive thyroid. What does the thyroid control? The metabolism…….this is not good news. I have tried eating a balanced diet while doing daily High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and have still not lost much weight. So, below is the diet I have found to be the most effective. You'll notice it's very low in carbohydrates, so I'm working on adding some pasta dishes that would still make this diet a wonderful success.

Supplement (30 minutes before breakfast): Catalyst & MaxC Packet 1 (

Breakfast: Advocare Meal Shake & MaxC Packets 3 (metabolism enhancer and multivitamins)(

Snack: Apple

Supplement (30 minutes before lunch): Catalyst & MaxC Packet 2 (

Lunch: 6oz of chicken with a small potato (or whole grain pasta) and non-starch veggies.

Snack/Pre-Workout: Raw veggies w/ Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip


Post-Workout: Protein Shake

Dinner: 6oz of chicken w/ veggies

Desert: A serving of your favorite lower calorie ice cream/frozen yogurt, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich, Fiber One brownie or some other favorite treat. Make a smart choice and don’t go overboard!

*Please remember to drink as much water as you can. Skip the fruit drinks or artificial flavored drinks as much as possible. I admit to having the occasional diet soda craving, but I try not to make a habit of it.

If you have any questions, please comment or email me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie! I just want to say I really like your blog! I'm trying to get back into mine again too...and I love that you put your meals on here - this is something I'm going to be doing as well. Have a wonderful weekend!
