Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Juice Recipes

Apple Juice:

4 - 5 Red or Green Apples

Orange Juice:

4 - 5 Peeled Oranges

Apple and Cucumber Zipper:

5 Apples
1 Cucumber
2’’ of Ginger

Simply Carrot Juice:

5 Medium Peeled Carrots

The Cucapple:

1 Cucumber
4 Apples

Carrot and Apple Zip:

2 Carrots
1 Apple
1’’ of Ginger

Lemony Apple:

2 Apples
1 Lemon
1’’ Slice of Ginger

A Very Berry Medley:

2 Cups Strawberries
2 Cups of Blueberries
1 ½ Cups of Raspberries

Cold Remedy:

2 Apples
1 Lemon
1’’ Slice of Ginger

Breakfast  Buddies:

3 Oranges
1 Grapefruit

Citrus Mix with Kiwi:

1 Orange
1 Grapefruit
2 Kiwi

Tropical Heaven:

1 Orange
1 Cup of Strawberries
1 Cup of Pineapple

Thursday, July 14, 2011


(Breville Juice Fountain - $150.00)

After watching the documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" (can be watched online via Netflix) I've decided to give juice a try!

Helpful Websites

Monday, July 11, 2011

How do I make my perfume scent last longer?

  • Tip #1: Spray perfume on after putting on your lotion!
    • After I wash my face and/or get out of the shower I put on my facial moisturizer and spread the moisturizer to my décolleté. Immediately after rubbing the moisturizer into my skin I spray my perfume two to three times around my neck and décolleté. After doing this I finish with my makeup routine and allow the perfume and moisturizer to soak all the way into my skin.
    • Note: You may also use this tips on other parts of your body that you want your perfume scent to be. You can use non-scented lotion or lotion that smells like your perfume.
    • Tip: You can make your own scented lotion by buying non-scented lotion and adding sprays of your perfume into the bottle.
    • Warning: Do not rub in the perfume once it's sprayed onto the skin!!!! This will break up the notes and change the smell!!
  • Tip #2: Once your hair is styled, spray perfume above your head and let it drop into your hair.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


* I'm blogging about which diet works best for me due to a couple of requests. Hope you like! *

I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, which means I have an underactive thyroid. What does the thyroid control? The metabolism…….this is not good news. I have tried eating a balanced diet while doing daily High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and have still not lost much weight. So, below is the diet I have found to be the most effective. You'll notice it's very low in carbohydrates, so I'm working on adding some pasta dishes that would still make this diet a wonderful success.

Supplement (30 minutes before breakfast): Catalyst & MaxC Packet 1 (

Breakfast: Advocare Meal Shake & MaxC Packets 3 (metabolism enhancer and multivitamins)(

Snack: Apple

Supplement (30 minutes before lunch): Catalyst & MaxC Packet 2 (

Lunch: 6oz of chicken with a small potato (or whole grain pasta) and non-starch veggies.

Snack/Pre-Workout: Raw veggies w/ Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip


Post-Workout: Protein Shake

Dinner: 6oz of chicken w/ veggies

Desert: A serving of your favorite lower calorie ice cream/frozen yogurt, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich, Fiber One brownie or some other favorite treat. Make a smart choice and don’t go overboard!

*Please remember to drink as much water as you can. Skip the fruit drinks or artificial flavored drinks as much as possible. I admit to having the occasional diet soda craving, but I try not to make a habit of it.

If you have any questions, please comment or email me!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Skin Care - Beautiful Feet!

I sometimes struggle with keeping my feet free from dry heels and calluses due to wearing flip-flops and sandals too often. I've even been known to wear flip-flops when it's raining, which is actually a norm for us Seattle natives. :)

To ensure I keep my feet soft and attractive year round I follow these steps.

Step One: Trim toenails.


Step Two: File toenails to create soft edges.
($2.00 - $5.00)

Step Three: Use a Foot File to even out rough spots around your heels and toes. I prefer buying a foot file that can be used dry as well as wet to give me the option to smooth my feet in the shower/foot bath or while watching television (Tip: lay a towel down and file feet over the towel for a more sanitary environment and faster cleanup). I also purchase foot files that have two different sides. The brown side is a rougher grain that quickly takes off any excess dead skin and then I switch to the black side, which is a finer grain, to completely smooth out my feet.

*Sally's Beauty Supplies*
Step Four: Moisturize! I love using 'Cracked Heel Treatment' by True Blue Spa at Bath and Body Works. This product has Glycolic Acid to help aid in shedding the dead skin from your feet as well as Shea Butter. I absolutely love how smooth it goes on as well as the light scent. However, you can use whatever moisturizer works best for you. I have also used 100% Shea Butter from Bath and Body Works, which also works really well. Make sure to rub the moisturizer into your cuticles!


Step Five: Remove excess cuticles from your toes. Be very careful with this step!

($2.00 - $5.00) 

Step Six: Put socks on for at least 20 minutes to allow the moisturizer to soak into your feet. I usually complete these steps in the evening and sleep with my socks on.

Note: Try and moisturize daily! Either put your moisturizer on almost every time you are going to wear socks or almost every evening with socks.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skin Care - Body - Glycolic Acid Peel

I will be giving myself Glycolic Acid chemical peels on my stomach to help fade and improve the look and texture of my surgery scars. Glycolic Acid helps to stimulate new growth of skin and collagen by decreasing the bond that holds dead skin cells on the surface. I currently use a 10% Glycolic Acid serum from Peter Thomas Roth on my face at night and it has dramatically improved the texture of my skin as well the appearance of my acne scars. This process will take many peels at no more then one peel a week.

Note: You may also use this body peel on stretch marks to help the texture and appearance.

Step One: In a bowl mix Baking Soda and water for your neutralizer. Set aside.


Step Two: Cleanse area with Cetaphil face wash and pat dry. Note: Using your regular face wash products may result in less effective results.

($4.00 - $8.00)

Step Three: Pour Glycolic Acid into a shallow dish; you won't need much. With a fan brush gently and evenly apply the Glycolic Acid. I'm using 30% Glycolic Acid, but if you're doing this peel on your face you need to start with a lower percentage. You may increase your percentage as you become familiar with how your skin reacts.

($2.00 - $25.00)


Step Four: Wait one to three minutes. You will feel tingling. If it starts to burn, immediately neutralize. Better safe then sorry. :)

Step Five: With a cotton ball dip into your Baking Soda and water mix and run over skin. This will neutralize and stop the acid from further working.

Step Six: Wash area off with Cetaphil cleanser and pat dry.

Step Seven: Put moisturizer on your skin. I will be using 100% Shea Butter from Bath and Body Works.


Step Eight: Add moisturizer daily and allow your skin to heal before doing another peel. Remember, wait at least a week between peels.

WARNING!!: Do not put Glycolic Acid products on skin that has just been shaved. Wait at least a week to get hair waxed after using a Glycolic Acid product. Do not apply any products containing alpha hydroxy acids for 24 hours after applying the Exfoliate (Glycolic Acid).